Point-of-Care (POC) systems that can deliver fast (within 15 minutes) and accurate results at Intensive Care Units and Emergency Departments of hospitals is expected to save a significant number of human lives. Amongst the various biomarkers that are associated with the diagnosis of life-threatening diseases, the CRP is a general inflammation marker whose mildly elevated values are indication of cardiovascular disease while D-dimer is a marker of deep-vein thrombosis and pneumonic embolism. There are commercial POC systems for single determinations of CRP and D-dimer but a system for simultaneous determination of both does not exist. The development and application of such a tool would contribute significantly to the healthcare worldwide. Through the CARDIOGNOSIS project, the ThetaMetrisis POC platform is employed for the simultaneous detection of the two biomarkers through the development of the controlling software.
Software Competitiveness International GmbH developed a user-friendly and intuitive application, suitable for fast-paced Medical Diagnostics, requiring minimum technical training to operate. The application operates the POC platform of ThetaMetrisis, to be used by StArtBio, with simple a wizard-based start stop operation, and helps the user to complete the correct steps that POC platform requires to retrieve the biomarkers. During the process, application visualizes the retrieved information and helps the user to control the process of the POC platform. At the end that data are collected and stored in a file CRP and D-Dimer values are calculated with an algorithm developed by ThetaMetrisis.